I have always had an absolute passion for herbs and the possibilities they hold for better health. My journey with Herbs started with my herb garden in primary school and getting my first Herb book written by my hero, Margaret Roberts for my birthday.
For many years I read about herbs, and I made a few vinegars, sprays (mostly to help my mom repel ants in our kitchen) and teas that my dad was willing to try with me. But as the years passed, I lost focus with stressful jobs and wanting to be "successful". This website and where I find myself right now have come after my emotional breakdown. When life gets to a point where you don't know where to turn, ending it all does sound inviting (I would dream of the silent, dark peace). I realised I needed to do something.
I have a desire to make real change and help others. My jobs previously were running around, managing teams and ensuring others' dreams come true and I would tell myself by helping them I would feel fulfilled and rewarded. But as I left each one for "A BETTER" opportunity and hope of making a real difference I came to realise that I need to follow my dream and MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE. So here I am healing myself and hoping to help others too.
I was anxious, stressed, emotional, desperate and broken. It all came to a head that Friday morning in June while crying (OK, UGLY SOBBING and BLUBBERING) in a holistic doctor's office.
The doctor asked me about my life, what I ate, what meds I was on etc. My diet was a disaster, NOTHING green ever came across my lips anymore, I lived on coffee, chocolates, and anything processed with lots of comforting fats and sugars. I was not sleeping well, couldn't exist without my daily dose of antidepressants and was feeling exhausted. He explained how the body works and how chemicals are released in the brain and that we are made of a body, mind and spirit. These 3 work together to make up who we are and influence how we feel. So obviously my body was a disaster, overweight and unhealthy. My mind was filled with negative self-talk, doubt, insecurities and self-hatred. Spiritually I was nowhere either. More on these revelations in my upcoming blogs.
I started with what I could control taking baby steps and expecting nothing really to change, I started eating better and included broccoli, avocado, hummus, baby marrow etc. into my daily meals. I enjoyed the change in the taste of the foods and made it my mission to begin exploring foods. I started to feel slightly better. Then I started incorporating some movement into my day. On my walks, I started noticing the plants and would wonder what they were. I downloaded an app and began to notice how many herbs were growing on sidewalks and gardens. And so, after many years, I began to find my passion for medicinal plants again. I would pick some lavender and wonder how to use it or have a headache and think what I could use instead of an aspirin.
I am in no way done with my journey and am taking courses reading books and doing plenty of Google searches to learn about these amazing plants. All my recipes and products are based on the courses I have studied and the books I have read, and I use them all myself to heal my own body. I really want you to get the benefits of these too.
Herbal Medicines can heal so many ailments without the side effects of conventional medicine. Below is some of the information I have learnt so far. There is much still to learn, and I hope you will walk this journey with me to your healing and eventual optimum health.
So here we begin our journey to regaining our power, health and purpose. In this space ONLY WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU WILL DO, whether it is what you eat and drink, what you think or where you find your life's purpose. I aim to place it all here and help us all get better and stronger.
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Your Friend